Monday, October 26, 2009

Hoping I am better at blogging....

Well, here I am, doing something I swore to Drew that I would never start doing...BLOGGING! (Sorry Babe).

I found it difficult to keep up on Brody's baby book, all the while balancing being a mom, a wife, a friend and even working full time. So, here I am, creating a blog, hoping to keep it up so that it can serve as a virtual baby book (special thanks to Des and Eli for the inspiration). I hope to update regualrly, making it easier for our loved ones to be a fly on the wall in our day to day life all the while creating memories for Brody to one day look back at.

Our little man is almost 9 months, and I the time has just flown by. Each phase is 100 times better than the previous one, and he surprises me more and more every day. I try to think back to the person I was and the life I lived before Brody, and honestly, I cannot even remember. Brody has taken over every part of me and I cannot remember who I was before him.

Now, at 9 months he:
  • is crawling EVERYWHERE and climbing up on everything. In fact, he is very close to walking. (Going to day care with kids just a little older...he has been taught a ton)
  • has 7 teeth, yes 7! 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom. He has what they call "Texas Teeth", goofy looking and cute all at the same time.
  • will eat ANYTHING. I'm not talking baby food here, but whatever we eat...we feed him. He's had stir fry (veggies and all), mashed potatoes (with his hands), lasagna, chicken, eggs, pancakes, just to list a few. He has also enjoyed things that Drew and I do not eat, like dog food, leaves, bark, and dirt. He is all boy!
  • is best friends with Thor (or male mini doxie). Thor has staked his claim on Brody and they are inseparable.
  • LOVES to be tossed around. Now I am not talking about lifted up in the air and bounced on your knee...I mean thrown face first, onto a pile of pillows...all to roll off and giggle! The higher he goes off the bounce, the louder he laughs!
  • gives kisses (sloppy wet ones) and is learning to wave "bye-bye".
  • knows that the world revolves around his big blue eyes and blonde hair.

As I mentioned before, I am starting this 9 months into his life, so below are some pictures to catch you up and we can all just pretend that I've been blogging all along:

1 month...true love.

2 Months...deep in thought.

3 Months....practicing on getting the ladies.

4 Months...big muscles.

5 anyone?

6 months...cheese!

7 months...always happy while eating.

8 friends

9 that little face


  1. Wow, when you put it in perspective like this, it's crazy how time flies! And I'll be super excited when I get to visit with him in the mornings when he switches daycare temporarily...


  2. I'm so glad you are blogging! I want all the UPDATES possible...Twitter, Facebook and YES BLOGS! I am so excited and will check daily for! Love you guys.
