Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween With Pinchy

This was Brody's first holiday, Halloween...Let me first preface this by giving you some background into Brody's nickname of "Pinchy". We have come to find out that Drew and I are a "nickname" family, for instance we have 2 wiener dogs whos names are Lexi and Thor, however we call them "Moose" and "Baby Girl Deutch (like Roni Deutch the tax lawyer lady)", but that explanation may have to be for another time. Drew and I also call each other nicknames, which I too will save for another time...(this is not that type of blog).

Brody was quick to aquire many nicknames...Bro-Frog, Brod-a-saur, "B", and Button (which my mom still calls him). And then there is "Pinchy", which has stuck. Drew thought of this name for him and it all began with a little onesie that had a crab on it and said "Feed me or I'll snap". To which Drew remembered back to an episode of the Simpsons, where Homer got a pet crab and named it "pinchy"...with that it was (and forever will be) PINCHY! Random...I know, but that's how we are. So just be nice or we will give YOU a nickname!

Back to Halloween...Pinchy was a Lobster!! (Thank you Des who found the VERY LAST costume at Evangeline's...we are forever in debt to you). Now this costume was made for a tiny baby, one that didn't move, so there was only a pouch for the legs. This was NOT going to work for Pinchy, so I altered it.

Now, for those of you who know me well enough, also know that I DO NOT sew. I have no patience, and I would rather hot glue a button to a shirt than sew it on. But...as "mom" trait, I cut leg holes (which looked like a backwards baby thong), sewed the pouch up so that the lobster tail could drag, and sewed the arm pinchers to the sleeve. Mind you, I did all of this with a little sewing kit that you get for free at hotels, and the thread was so tangled when I was done that I just threw it all away. (saves me from having to sew ever again). Nonetheless...the costume was complete and Brody could even crawl around in it, which was quite the site. He didn't mind having it on at all, after all the work that went into it, I should make him wear it out everyday!

Scroll on down...PINCHY awaits...


  1. Lol...I had NO clue you altered it! It looked great, even with the baby thong (hahaha). Love you guys and love reading these updates!!!!!


  2. Attack of the Pinchy!!!! Ah!!! Can't wait to see him as Pinchy the Christmas crab!
